Our platform has helped students across 100+ countries achieve their dream grades. It’s not just a promise - it’s our guarantee.
Clear, concise, and exam-focused video lessons that make difficult concepts simple. Created by teachers who’ve helped thousands get A*s.
Our top-quality resources are the ultimate game-changer for your A levels.
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Takes just 2 minutes - no complicated forms, just quick access to top-tier learning.
Dive into comprehensive, engaging courses that help make your A/A* dream come true.
Get instant access to expert-led courses, timed crash courses, and comprehensive resources that make A/A* grades achievable.
Find all the answers to common questions here. If you’re still on the fence and need extra support – book a free consultation with our team. We're here to help you succeed.
We offer SEVEN A Level subjects, Chemistry, Business, Economics, Accounting, Physics, Math, Biology, and ONE AS Level, Psychology.
Yes! We offer live classes before key exam sessions to give you that extra boost right before the actual exam. These are held live on our platform and are conducted by our expert teachers themselves. They take you through the toughest of past examination questions step by step, teaching you pro paper solving tips and tricks that you won’t find elsewhere.
Yes, if you’re on the fence about subscribing to our plans and joining the platform, you can always start with the free trial first. However, just a heads-up; our free trial does not give you the complete Alt experience, but rather just a flavour of what we have to offer.
Our academic content & resources cover three different examination boards; Cambridge Assessment International Examination (CAIE), Pearson Edexcel International and the AQA Exam Boards.
Of course, we’ve made sure your academic needs are met. At any time, you can share all your academic-related questions on the community space for your subject. Our subject matter experts, will get back to you with detailed responses to your questions, providing you with the clarity you need.
We have a 7-day money back guarantee! If you subscribe, but feel that Alt isn’t the right fit for you within the first week, you can always reach out to our support team and ask for a refund.